Oregon Republican candidate for governor Tim McCloud answers OPB’s questions

By OPB staff (OPB)
April 15, 2022 9 a.m.

OPB asked all 34 candidates seeking the Republican or Democratic nomination for governor to answer some basic questions on the issues. Below are responses from Tim McCloud. These answers have not been edited.

Oregon Republican candidate for governor Tim McCloud.

Oregon Republican candidate for governor Tim McCloud.

Courtesy of Friends of Tim McCloud for Governor


To start, please give us your name and basic biographical details, including your current position or job, any elected offices you have held and any key facts you would like voters to know about you.

Tim McCloud is a Business Analyst for a U.S. aerospace and defense manufacturer located in Oregon. Tim has not held any previously elected offices but was appointed to Albany Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission from 2015-2019, holding the position of Chairperson from 2016-2019. Tim worked with local groups including the Albany-Corvallis Farmers Markets, and achievements during this time period included downtown Albany events such as Albany Kids Bike Fair and Albany Rockin’ Walkin’, bike and pedestrian-related safety improvements, and increased distinction for Albany as a ‘bike-friendly community’. Tim was also appointed to the Linn County Compensation Board during 2019; providing compensation oversight on pay determinations for County department leadership. Tim is a Black Republican, making him unique in his approach to listening, leadership, and understanding socio-political dynamics of different groups throughout Oregon.

Why should you be Oregon’s next governor?

Tim has lived, worked, studied, and raised a family in Oregon. As a Community Organizer, Tim has a passion for local communities. He is not a lifelong politician but is someone who has worked hard bring together common interests. This means Tim has the experience to bring together rural and urban Oregon. Having professional backgrounds in nonprofits, small business, every tier of Oregon government, and a large U.S. corporation with an international reach, gives Tim an advantage in understanding organizations of every type, as well as the markets that they serve, and the individuals they employ.

Tim’s professional background, education, and distinct life outlook, offer a unique experience and perspective to Oregon’s diversity. As Governor, Tim will really listen to our communities, serve the public, and protect the rights of individuals. As Governor, Tim will not use a one-size-fits-all approach to dealing with Oregon communities. Every community has unique needs, and as a whole, Oregon needs real leadership.

What do you think is the most pressing challenge facing Oregon today?

Currently, Oregon ranks near 47th nationwide in school success metrics. In addition to ensuring that schools stay open and that our children never lose another year of critical education services the way they have in the recent past, Oregon needs increased access to extracurricular activities; quality and affordable childcare programs; and STEM enrichment programs for our youth.

What is your proposed solution to that problem? Please be specific.

As Governor, I will raise school district performance through school vouchers and incentivized school awards and ensure not only that we get closer to 100% graduation rates, but that our graduating students are prepared for the job market via school-to-skills pathways for traditional and next generation types of Oregon’s future.

Do you believe human beings are playing a part in rising temperatures?

I believe exhaust from aircraft play a larger role in rising temperatures than do individuals. Fortunately, the airline industry is also deeply involved in the use of emerging fuels such as hydrogen, which are another way to involve industries in leading by example and keep Oregon green, clean, and beautiful. As individuals, Oregonians do have a role as well in caring for the eco-climate of Oregon and putting pressure on larger industries that have polluted our rivers, streams, and wildlife.

Do you think Oregon should take additional steps to address climate change? If so, what are some specific efforts you’d undertake or push for as governor?

Yes, and first it starts in our own front yards. Some of the more common-sense solutions would involve providing trash and recycling receptacles in areas with homeless populations, as well as services that address litter and trash on our highways and interstates. This will also provide new jobs, job skill development pathways for disenfranchised individuals, and community service opportunities. We must also invest in a diversified future of Oregon’s energy needs, including traditional and new generation fuels, solar and thermal energies, and long-term energy storage capabilities.

Oregon has experienced a high number of severe wildfires in recent years. What role should state government play in wildfire response?

As Governor, I will ensure that the national guard is well-trained and prepared to assist in the event of wildfires. Removing limitations on converting felled timber, increasing logging, and other responsible forest management measures, will help to substantially decrease the risks of fires to Oregon communities and households. I will also invest more energy in working with our Native wildland groups, geo-scientist and professional logging organizations on long term solutions to keep Oregon green, renewable, and a thriving eco-climate for future generations. And I will allow farmers to use traditional field burning methods as is seasonally appropriate, to help reduce risk of fire to communities, as well as helping to cut down on overuse of chemical pesticides needed to control harmful pests that take residence in these fields.

Parts of Oregon now routinely face drought conditions. What role should state government play in preventing and responding to droughts?

We can never forget about the contributions that our farmers and agricultural communities add to our society as the lifeblood Oregon. Their sacrifices help to sustain and ensure our local supply of healthier and lower costs foods. The government’s role in preventing and responding to drought, is to help communities find sustainable and lasting solutions, such as the removal of restrictions on water resources that are harmful to our agricultural industry. As Governor, I will modify rules regarding storage of water resources on private property and invest in innovative drought-scale water desalinization solutions. In the near-term, I am prepared to issue water transportation subsidies to help support our agricultural crops and commodity farms throughout rural Oregon. Finally, we need more public input regarding water rights and leasing for the protection of crops in jeopardy.

Do you support the use of body cameras by police officers to record their interactions with the public? Please explain why or why not.

Yes. When utilized correctly, body cameras are another tool for officers to serve our communities with professionalism and to accurately record events as they occur. Body cameras increase transparency and safety among interactions between citizens and law enforcement officers and provide opportunities for ongoing education for a number of different scenarios and circumstances.

President Joe Biden signaled in his State of the Union address that he wants to increase funding for police. Do you agree or disagree?


In surveys, Oregonians on both the right and the left described political extremism as one of the biggest challenges facing the state. Do you agree with them? If yes, please describe the type of extremism that concerns you and what you would do as governor to address it.

My mother always said, “Too much of anything, can be a bad thing.” I often take this viewpoint when looking at forms of political extremism as well. When extremism hurts individuals and destroys neighborhoods, businesses, or the public trust, it has gone too far. As Governor I will take immediate action to restore law and order. I am concerned with the type of extremism that only identifies individuals by letters and colors; however, addressing extremism should not mean censoring the voices and beliefs of groups or individual because they differ from my own. As governor, I will stand tough against crime, and for our First Amendment. I am listening to Oregonians and can hear their concerns without respect to political party or affiliation, because Oregon matters.

In surveys, Oregonians consistently rate homelessness and high housing costs as a major problem facing the state. What role do you believe state government should play in addressing these interconnected problems?


Oregon is nearly a decade behind on the issues of housing and homelessness, and they are still the same issues that pushed my own family out of a home. Even though during that time though I was running a business, attending school online for public administration, and while also raising a family. Before and during economic and housing crisis, Oregonians need access to various types of assistance that may include food, medical care, and transitional housing. Oregon’s affordable housing inventory must be improved, and we do not need to destroy all existing zoning rules to do it. Changing zoning rules in an extreme all-or-nothing manner only makes communities less desirable, as every neighborhood has its own needs and culture. As Governor, I will not force change in this way.

Would you support requiring people experiencing homelessness to stay in shelters if adequate shelter space exists?


Oregon’s high school graduation rate continues to lag behind other states. What are specific actions you would take as governor to improve student performance?

Our current governor has continued to leave a large percentage of our students behind. While there are many factors that attribute to low graduation rates, Oregon must do a better job at identifying and supporting at-risk students and their families. Inequity abounds in our schools and disparities in high school graduation rates exists among children with disabilities and special needs, and numerous racial and ethnic groups. We must do a better job fostering parental involvement in our education system, providing access to tutoring, and increasing school attendance. As Governor I intend to raise the bar for our kids, not lower it.

Oregon, like much of the rest of the nation, has a child care crisis. What role should the governor play in this situation, and what are specific steps you would take as governor?

The childcare crisis has a substantial and negative financial impact on all Oregonians. This occurs through lost wages, personnel shortages, and absenteeism, when parents- especially women- have to miss work due to childcare constraints. Quality childcare comes at a higher price that most working Oregonians are able to afford. Childcare businesses are also one of the most regulated industries in Oregon, and childcare providers are often among those recognized as most underpaid, which has only increased high turnover and created the issues of a crisis of retaining quality staff. As Governor, I will work with local organizations to improve school readiness, increase staff wages, and ensure better access to childcare.

Do public employee unions have too much influence in Oregon? If you answer yes, please tell us which unions in particular concern you.

No. When public unions are effective in their role of protecting the rights of workers, they can help to generate stronger employee wages, job security, and other opportunities. And while union influence is significant, especially when leader can be credible, honest, and accountable, Oregonians ultimately have a voice to make decisions for themselves, and to not have decisions made for them.

As governor, would you support the creation of campaign finance limits in Oregon? If no, please explain why not. If yes, please can us specifics on what limits you would endorse.

No. While money is a tool that can enhance a campaign’s effectiveness of operations, it does not singlehandedly determine the outcome of a race. I am not in favor of any campaign finance laws that limit the voices of individuals; however, Oregon must consider limiting the amount of public dollars spent in partisan races that are not distributed evenly.

Do you believe Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election?


Would you support creation of a sales tax in Oregon?


Do you support the use of tolls to help pay for infrastructure constructions in the Portland region, including a replacement for the Interstate 5 bridge?


If the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, would you as governor push for new abortion restrictions in Oregon? If yes, please specify what type of restriction you would propose.

No. If Roe v. Wade is overturned, a measure should be sent to ballot to be determined by Oregon voters to decide. Life begins at conception but there should be no laws that can be made against an individual’s own body. Unfortunately, restrictive laws on abortion do not address the root causes and may invite further risks in a woman’s attempts to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

How would you describe the relationship between rural and urban Oregon today?

The current relationship between rural and Urban Oregon is generally one of disconnection, as our current governor doesn’t understand or listen to the needs of many Oregon groups, including those of rural communities. Rural Oregonians have spoken up about wanting to separate from the State of Oregon to be governed by Idaho. The people and lands of rural Oregon provide food for our tables and valuable resources that strengthen our economy. Additionally, overreaches by the current government have limited access to rural healthcare, which was an issue for many communities, even prior 2020.

What’s one thing you would do as governor to bring rural and urban Oregon together?

I will introduce policy groups for rural affairs; focusing on issues such as education, healthcare, economy, and agriculture, among other critical and often ignored rural issues. This will help to ensure that members of communities that have gone without acknowledgement have an opportunity to raise issues and be heard. Right now, water shortages are a major issue. For many farmers, this is quickly becoming a crisis. Oregon must come together to address critical drought concerns, before it’s too late.

What’s the best thing Kate Brown has done as Oregon governor?

Brown removed certain restrictions on foster youth which previously prevented them from being able to obtain driver’s permits or licenses while under the care of the state. That is all.

What’s the worst thing Kate Brown has done as Oregon governor?

It is incredibly difficult to choose one blunder. Most recently, under the Emergency Act, Kate Brown hijacked all authority of the Oregon Constitution, bullied the Oregon Legislature, killed Oregon businesses, oppressed Oregonians, and stripped their ability to pursue happiness or make personal decisions for themselves. This led to one-size-fits all approaches that caused far more damage and harm than good. As Governor, I will enact new limitations on the Emergency powers of the governor to ensure that Oregonians are protected from the loss of liberty under the guise of a governor-declared emergency.

Name another Oregon leader, either current or in the past, whose approach to public policy you admire and why.

Mark Hatfield is undoubtedly one of Oregon’s finest leaders. As a proponent of Oregon values, Mark stood firm on difficult positions of the time such as civil rights, anti-Vietnam war positions, and introducing legislation that diverts taxes back into neighborhoods instead of into the federal government.