Our Mission
Connecting people across Oregon and the Pacific Northwest through the power of a shared story.
We are an independent, nonprofit media organization serving communities across Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. Powered by the generous support of members, OPB connects people through trusted journalism that is freely accessible to everyone.
OPB’s public financial statements, annual reports and editorial and underwriting policies are here.
At OPB, we believe stories have power. The power to educate. To entertain. To inform and enlighten. A story, told well, can help us feel a deeper connection with our neighbors and to the wider world.
For more than 100 years, Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB) has called this region home and shared stories that have shaped our region’s history. We’ve brought stories from around the world and around the corner into people’s homes, in their car, and wherever they go.
Guided by a pursuit of truth, a spirit of curiosity, with equity and public service at the center of our work, we deliver in-depth, fact-driven coverage of politics, science and the environment, arts and culture, education and more.
Because of the financial support of our members, our growing journalism operation is one of the largest in the Pacific Northwest. Our team of award-winning, dedicated reporters, producers and editors report on stories across the region — from southern Washington to southern Oregon.
OPB’s journalism and programs seek to connect people across communities and go deeper into what makes this region special. We seek diverse voices to help us tell the stories that define who we all are, what we do, where we live and where we’re going.
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