Latest Stories

Oregon streams, fish protections face budget cuts under legislative proposals
Environmental groups and timberland owners are calling on Oregon lawmakers to support a yearslong agreement that will be financially slashed under current budget proposals.

Trump’s timber directives could sway Oregon forest policy, but market effects remain unclear
President Donald Trump called on agencies to expand domestic timber supply. That could influence prospective forest polices that are currently in the works, but implications for Oregon's timber industry are less clear.
Think Out Loud
A look at Southern Oregon’s non-logging forestry workforce
We'll talk with a reporter about his deep dive into this side of the forestry industry and how it’s changed over the last 50 years.
Think Out Loud
Despite workplace hazards and industry’s decline, logging still beckons in parts of Oregon
According to recent federal data, workers in the logging industry face the highest risk of a workplace fatality than in other civilian jobs. A New York Times journalist shares what he learned during a reporting trip to southwestern Oregon about the allure logging holds despite its risks.

Lawsuit claims Southern Oregon forestry companies failing foreign workers
Lawsuit claims Southern Oregon forestry companies failing foreign workers. A former worker has sued several Rogue Valley forestry companies, claiming they didn’t provide adequate training or medical care.

Science & Environment
Forest Service to kick off Eastern Oregon Blue Mountains revision with public meetings next year
The management plan revision could determine how national forests in northeastern Oregon could be used, from grazing and logging to wilderness protections and wildfire restoration.

Environmental groups sue to stop timber sale in Southern Oregon
A number of environmental groups filed a lawsuit in federal court Tuesday against federal land managers for a timber sale in old-growth forest north of Grants Pass.

Washington Commissioner of Public Lands race centers on how to manage forests in the face of climate change
The public lands commissioner race is shaping up to be a clash over forest management styles — and how to best use that resource in the face of climate change.

Oregon Experience
New archaeology at abandoned Oregon town reveals hidden lives of Black logging families
Found artifacts from the segregated logging town of Maxville include personal domestic objects such as vinyl records fragments and a diaper pin.

Activists embark on second tree-sit protest on BLM land in southern Oregon
Protesters have moved into another Bureau of Land Management project area in southern Oregon after claiming their tree-sitting prevented construction of a logging road in April.