Oregon Trail | Creative Chaos | Kah-Nee-Ta | Homelessness Ruling

By Casey Negreiff (OPB), Sage Van Wing (OPB) and Julie Sabatier (OPB)
Sept. 5, 2018 7:47 a.m.

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  • Some eastern Oregon residents are voicing opposition to a planned high-voltage electrical transmission line. The Boardman-to-Hemingway line is a 500,000-volt electrical line, requested by Idaho Power, that would run from a yet-to-be-built substation in Boardman, to the Hemingway substation in western Idaho. Most of the route runs on private land — some of which contains portions of the historic Oregon Trail, where wagon wheel ruts are still visible today.
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  • Last week, the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs decided to close the Kah-Nee-Ta Resort and Spa, which has been in operation on the reservation 70 miles north of Bend for over 50 years. OPB's Bend reporter Emily Cureton was on hand at the closing celebrations this weekend.
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  • A Ninth Circuit Court ruling says punishing people for sleeping on the street amounts to cruel and unusual punishment if they have no place else to go. We'll hear from Seattle University School of Law professor Sara Rankin about the case brought on behalf of six Boise residents and the far-reaching implications it could have for West Coast cities.
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  • The Creative Chaos Theatre Troupe was formed after Monica Venice, who has Down syndrome, auditioned for a one-line role in a community theater production in Cottage Grove, and wasn't even allowed to read for the part. Her friend Carmen Dowell and nine developmentally disabled actors will be performing in "Under The Big Top," an original production.

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