Portland Water | Medicaid Eligibility | Race And Casting | Architect John Yeon

By Julie Sabatier (OPB), Sage Van Wing (OPB) and Allison Frost (OPB)
May 22, 2017 6:30 p.m.

Damien Geter, actor and singer, has been seen in several Portland Opera productions, and on NBC-TV's "Grimm", among other productions. He was cast in the role of Nick, for a local production of "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"

Courtesy of Damien Geter

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  • State regulators have revoked a key exemption that let Portland deliver its water without treating for a potentially deadly parasite. Portland Commissioner Nick Fish tells us what that means for the city's water supply.
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  • The Portland Art Museum has just opened a summer exhibit featuring the contributions of Portland architect and art collector John Yeon. Randy Gragg, who directs the University of Oregon's John Yeon Center for Architecture and the Landscape joins us to tell us about Yeon's life and enduring legacy.
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  • The Oregon Health Authority is responding to a recent assessment from the Secretary of State that it's spending millions on people who may not be eligible to receive Medicaid benefits.
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  • A local theater producer has been denied rights to the play "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" because he planned to cast a black actor in one of the lead roles. We talk to producer Michael Streeter and Princeton theater professor Brian Eugenio Herrera about race and casting — and the role they play in theater today.

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