Latter-Day Saints Headquarters Distances Itself From Armed Occupiers

By Ryan Haas (OPB)
Jan. 4, 2016 12:45 p.m.

Protesters guard the entrance to the refuge.

Ammon Bundy said the federal government overstepped its constitutional bounds in its original purchase of the land where the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge stands back in 1908.

Protesters blocked the entrance to the refuge Sunday, hanging anti-government signs on the fenceposts.

Protester LaVoy Finicum from Arizona was fatally shot by law enforcement officials on Jan. 26 during a traffic stop. Finicum was part of an armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

One of the protesters, Dylan Anderson, who gave the name "Captain Moroni," guards the entrance to the refuge. "Moroni" said he was disappointed that more protesters did not arrive after a widespread call on social media.

Protest supporters brought in food and other supplies for the occupiers.

Officials with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have distanced themselves from an armed occupation taking place in Eastern Oregon, saying the movement is "in no way justified on a scriptural basis."


The church issued a statement Monday, denouncing the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon.

"While the disagreement occurring in Oregon about the use of federal lands is not a Church matter, Church leaders strongly condemn the armed seizure of the facility," church officials wrote.


The statement came after members of a self-styled militia gave OPB false names derived from Mormon scripture. Ammon Bundy, the leader of the movement, has also repeatedly referenced his faith when discussing his decision to back two Oregon ranchers who were convicted of setting fire to federal lands.

Speaking in Harney County, Oregon, in December, Bundy explained why he became involved in the Dwight and Steven Hammond case that sparked the takeover of public property Saturday.

“I got this urge that I needed write something,” Bundy said. “I asked the good Lord…I need some help. And he gave me that help. The Lord is not pleased what has happened with the Hammonds.”

In disavowing Bundy and the occupier's actions, the church urged a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

"We are privileged to live in a nation where conflicts with government or private groups can - and should - be settled using peaceful means, according to the laws of the land," church officials wrote.

Bundy and his group say the federal government violated the U.S. Constitution when it obtained the land for the wildlife refuge in 1908.