Oregon Parks and Rec is accepting public comments on park exclusion rules through Nov. 3

By Tiffany Eckert (KLCC)
Oct. 9, 2023 11:20 a.m.

Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, also known as OPRD, is considering updates to the rules for excluding people from state parks.

An Oregon State Park manager or a department enforcement officer may exclude a person that violates any state park rule from the park property or multiple park properties. Pictured here, State Park manager Iris Benson at a park in Portland.

Oregon Parks and Recreation Department


According to the agency, anyone who commits violations that endanger the safety of visitors, staff or natural resources at Oregon State Parks can be barred.

An Exclusion Rule Advisory Committee, made up of members of the mental health community, attorneys and park hosts, developed recommendations to update the current exclusion rules.

Currently, a park manager or department enforcement officer may order any person who violates any state park rule to leave a park property. The same officials may also exclude a person who violates any state park rule from the park property or multiple park properties.


The enforcement officer must issue a written exclusion notice and may request the assistance of a peace officer and mental health practitioner or other agency in delivery of an exclusion, according to the proposed updates to Chapter 736, Division 10 and Division 21 of General Park Area Rules and Regulations.

Duration of a visitor exclusion is based on the severity of a state park rule violation. One recent update asks the park manager or enforcement officer to consider whether the violation was a repeat offense or a bias crime, among other things.

The proposed updates also provide clear information on how excluded individuals may request an appeal and how appeals will be processed.

OPRD is accepting public comments until 5 p.m. Nov. 3, 2023, and they can be made online, in writing, via email or at a public hearing.

Mail: OPRD Department, Katie Gauthier, 725 Summer St NE, Suite C, Salem OR 97301

Email: OPRD.Publiccomment@oprd.oregon.gov

A virtual public hearing will be held at 2 p.m. on Oct. 30. Attendees must register in advance here to receive the link. Individuals who require special accommodations for the meeting should contact Helena Kesch at least three days in advance of the meeting at Helena.KESCH@oprd.oregon.gov or 503-881-4637.