The body of an orca first spotted off of Newport on June 27 by a fisherman was discovered again July 7 near the mouth of the Coquille River, over 100 miles south.
NOAA Fisheries
A dead orca has been sighted again, after being adrift at sea for 11 days.
Michael Milstein of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says a fisherman spotted the killer whale’s carcass 10 miles southwest from the mouth of the Coquille River on Thursday.
Photos of the orca were sent to an Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife office in Charleston. The crew who spotted the body removed fishing or crabbing gear entangling it, and described it as sport rather than commercial.
Milstein says Oregon State University will examine the gear to see if there are any remnants of the orca, which they will then analyze. The carcass remains at sea.
The mammal’s body was first photographed by a fisherman off of Newport on June 27. It’s believed to be the first instance of a dead and entangled orca found in Oregon coastal waters.
Correction: Michael Milstein’s first name was incorrect in an earlier version of this story. We regret the error.