Oregon Art Beat

Chinook Carver Greg A. Robinson

By Jule Gilfillan (OPB)
Oct. 22, 2015 4:01 a.m.
Producer: Jule Gilfillan   Videographers: Michael Bendixen, Greg Bond, Corky Miller   Editor: Tom Shrider   Audio: Randy Layton, William Ward, Ted Cutler
Music:  "Chaku Khanumakwst" by Jordan Mericer  Sung by: The Grand Ronde Canoe Family

Self-taught wood carver and Chinook tribe member Greg Robinson has been an artist since receiving the gift of a small carved canoe as a child.

Chinook carver Greg A. Robinson working on a panel for the Portland Art Museum's new Center for Contemporary Native Arts

Chinook carver Greg A. Robinson working on a panel for the Portland Art Museum's new Center for Contemporary Native Arts

Oregon Art Beat

Today, Greg is a most prolific and prominent Native carver, with works in the Portland Art Museum as well as Portland's Tilikum Crossing bridge.

One of the three pieces carved by Greg A. Robinson prominently displayed on the new Tilikum Crossing Bridge, Portland OR

One of the three pieces carved by Greg A. Robinson prominently displayed on the new Tilikum Crossing Bridge, Portland OR

Oregon Art Beat

His past and current works in the traditional Chinookan art forms are a tribute to the Columbia River ancestors, to whom art, life, stories, and culture were inseparable.


He hopes to inspire other Native artists to preserve their traditions.

Greg works with artist Ceara Lewis guiding her on the art of carving at the Lifeways Program

Greg works with artist Ceara Lewis guiding her on the art of carving at the Lifeways Program

Oregon Art Beat

OPB's State of Wonder had the opportunity to interview Greg Robinson and talk about his new work on exhibit at the Portland Art Museum and at the Tilikum Bridge. For more details and to listen to the audio recording, check out State of Wonder's website or click on the link below!

Resources and Information

Greg A. Robinson Facebook

Chinook Culture and History - Oregon Cultural Heritage Commission

Portland Art Museum Current Exhibit showing work by Greg A. Robinson

Tune into State of Wonder's audio interview with Greg, recorded October 17, 2015