Producer: Katrina Sarson Videographer/Editor: Tom Shrider Audio: William Ward, Ted Cutler
Special Thanks: University of Portland, Powells City of Books
Oregon author Brian Doyle is always listening for stories. He's a well-known, award winning Northwest author, known for his fiction and his essays.

Brian Doyle, along with wife, Mary, takes a walk every day along the Oregon coast and listens for stories.
Oregon Art Beat
His books are tales of the Northwest, the beach, the Coast, families, and quirky characters he both meets and imagines. He writes about everything from Herman the Sturgeon, to the tale of a crow that speaks, to the saga of a pine marten growing up in the shadow of Mt. Hood.

"Down below their tree, as the snow melted, even in the shadowed parts of the ravine and bushes sprouted new green fingers and trees awoke from their long slumber and all sorts of mammals and birds and insects found the doors by which their new generations entered this wild world. And there came a momentous day in late May, when the mother marten led her four glossy kits now the size of fists, head first down the fir to the redolent and seething wilderness below."
Excerpt from Martin Marten: A Novel by Brian Doyle

Book Readings and more of Brian Doyle's novels can be found at Powells Books here in Portland, Oregon.
Oregon Art Beat
He loves book readings and visiting book groups, and we’ll follow him to both, as well as have a lively conversation about reading, writing and storytelling.
Related: Dear Mr. Doyle: Why Are There No Dogs In Your Novel?