Sara Gelser
Latest Stories

Oregon State Senator Who Was Harassed Gives Ideas On How To Improve Policies
An Oregon state senator who was at the center of an investigation into unwanted touching weighed in on how the policies could be improved.

With Kruse Out, Oregon Lawmakers Focus On Culture Change
Sen. Jeff Kruse, R-Roseburg, resigned this week over allegations of sexual harassment. But lawmakers say there is still work that needs to be done at the Oregon Capitol.

Kruse Won't Resign, But Will Stay Out Of Oregon Capitol For Now
Despite increasing pressure to resign after an investigation unveiled a pattern of unwanted touching and harassment, Roseburg Republican Jeff Kruse will keep his job as state senator.
Report: Oregon State Senator Persisted With Unwanted Touching After Warnings
An investigation into behavior by Oregon Sen. Jeff Kruse, R-Roseburg, released Tuesday states Kruse has a pattern of "engaging in unwelcome physical contact toward females in the workplace."

Oregon State Senator Wants Tougher Response From ODE On Harassment
Response to sexual harassment by a director at Oregon Department of Education has drawn criticism from a nationally-recognized state senator.