Oregon Field Guide

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Rewilding the Elwha River

It’s been over a decade since two dams came out of the Elwha River on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula. Now, salmon are returning, cougars, elk, foxes and bears roam 800 acres of newly restored land, and the river runs wild, tearing up the road that ran along its banks.


Searching for the quietest place in Oregon

Where to escape the leaf blowers, car alarms and revving engines that plague modern life? A study conducted for the Noise Control Engineering Journal identified candidates for the quietest places in Oregon, but you’ll need an expedition mindset to reach them.

Klamath Tribes push to restore wetlands and wocus in Southern Oregon

For thousands of years, the Klamath Tribes have harvested a highly nutritious first food called wocus from the wetlands of Southern Oregon. As wetlands were drained for agriculture, the tribes lost a huge portion of the habitat supporting the wocus plant. Now, there’s hope that farmers can help bring that habitat back.


For over 30 years, "Oregon Field Guide" has been OPB’s weekly TV news magazine exploring the ecological issues, natural wonders and outdoor recreation of the Northwest. So join us on the air or online at anytime! We look forward to sharing incredible stories with you throughout this new season!