Battle Ready
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Battle Ready
How Nazi POWs Almost Became Loggers In Oregon And Washington
In their desperation for timber, the War Labor Board considered more extreme solutions to put loggers to work: German prisoners of war held at several Northwest military installations.

Battle Ready
A War, The Chainsaw And The 2nd Great Cutting Of The Northwest
Winning World War II depended on raw materials. One such resource grew tall and green in the Pacific Northwest. From our series 'Battle Ready: The Military’s Environmental Legacy In The Northwest.'

Battle Ready
Portland’s Toxic Graveyard For World War II Ships
Portland's WWII shipbuilding gave way to shipbreaking and environmental consequences extending well beyond the war years. From our series Battle Ready: The Military’s Environmental Legacy In The Northwest.

Battle Ready
Life At A Post-War Nuclear Weapons Factory
Hanford Nuclear Site cleanup workers must fight for acknowledgement their illnesses stem from on-the-job exposures. From our series Battle Ready: The Military’s Environmental Legacy In The Northwest.
Battle Ready
The Waste That Remains From Arming Nuclear Weapons
The Hanford Nuclear Site has been in cleanup mode since the Cold War ended. But the first drop of waste has yet to be treated. From our series Battle Ready: The Military’s Environmental Legacy In The Northwest.

Battle Ready
More Than A Lark: The Military’s Surprising Role In Protecting Endangered Species
Military bases are some of the most violent places around. Some are also keepers of rare habitat for imperiled species. From our series Battle Ready: The Military’s Environmental Legacy In The Northwest.

Battle Ready
The Plane That Won A War And Polluted A River
World War II spurred a plane-manufacturing frenzy on the bank of Seattle's Duwamish River. The pollution is still with us. From our series Battle Ready: The Military’s Environmental Legacy In The Northwest.