Salmon Wars

‘Salmon Wars’ episode 1: The family
“Salmon Wars” tells the story of salmon in the Northwest in a way you haven’t heard before — through the voices of one Yakama Nation family who have been fighting for salmon for generations. In episode 1, host Tony Schick introduces us to Randy Settler and his family.

‘Salmon Wars’ episode 2: The treaties
To understand the struggles over salmon, we have to go back to 1855. The “Salmon Wars” podcast tells the story of salmon in the Northwest through the voices of one Yakama Nation family.
‘Salmon Wars’ tells the story of salmon in the Northwest in a way you haven’t heard before
We take a deep dive into the hidden history, investigate who’s to blame for the salmon vanishing, and explore what can be done before it’s too late.

‘Salmon Wars’ episode 3: The court battles
During the 1960s and beyond, Native activists fought back against state and federal restrictions on their fishing rights — a period known as the “fish wars.” They held “fish ins” and fought for their rights in court.

‘Salmon Wars’ bonus episode: LiaDonna Lopez Whitefoot
You heard from Randy Settler’s cousin, LiaDonna Lopez Whitefoot, in the most recent episode of "Salmon Wars." In this bonus episode, we’re bringing you more of her memories of the fish wars and of Randy’s mom, Mary, in particular.

‘Salmon Wars’ episode 4: The salmon’s struggle
Salmon used to be plentiful, and they’ve been a staple of tribal diets for centuries. In this episode, we examine what the decline of salmon has meant for Columbia River tribes.
“Salmon Wars” tells the story of salmon in the Northwest through the voices of one Yakama Nation family who have been fighting for salmon for generations. We dig in to uncover who is to blame for the salmon vanishing, what can be done before it’s too late and why their disappearance impacts all of us.
"Salmon Wars" is OPB's sequel to "Timber Wars" and this time OPB has teamed up with ProPublica. Both of these podcasts examine conflicts over resources in the Pacific Northwest.
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