Purple sea urchins off the Oregon coast
Scott Groth / Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Columbia Sportswear Company's longtime chairwoman Gert Boyle, the inspiration behind the brand's iconic "One Tough Mother" ad campaigns, died Sunday at the age of 95. Kerry Tymchuck, co-author of her autobiography, and executive director of the Oregon Historical Society, tells us about Gert Boyle's life and legacy.
- Populations of purple sea urchin have exploded up and down the West Coast, decimating kelp and crowding out other marine animals. In a recent count of one Oregon reef, the population of purple urchins was 350 million, an increase of 10,000 percent over the last five years. Shellfish biologist Scott Groth with the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife explains the factors that have led to this situation. We also hear from Tom Ford, the executive director of The Bay Foundation, about efforts to remove urchins and restore kelp on the southern California coast.
- The Hillsboro School District voted recently to approve a new comprehensive sex education curriculum. The plan includes new statewide standards for teaching about abuse, consent, gender expression, and sexual orientation. Some parents expressed concerns about the new curriculum and said they would be opting out. We hear from Hillsboro school board member Mark Watson, Minter Bridge Elementary school teacher Sindy Avila and Jennifer Zohar, who has three children in the Hillsboro School District.
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