Think Out LoudEnvironmental Update: CrayfishBy Sage Van Wing (OPB)Dec. 8, 2015 5:44 p.m.00:00 / Crayfish have been trapped in Crater Lake as deep as 750 feet, the deepest known crayfish in any lake system.Katie Campbell, KCTS9/EarthFixTHANKS TO OUR SPONSOR:Become a SponsorWe check in with EarthFix reporter Jes Burns about how crayfish introduced to Crater Lake to feed sport fish are now competing with native newts.GUESTS:Jes Burns: EarthFix reporterTHANKS TO OUR SPONSOR:Become a SponsorTHANKS TO OUR SPONSOR:Become a SponsorTHANKS TO OUR SPONSOR:Become a Sponsor📨 Daily news in your inboxSign up today for OPB’s “First Look” – your daily guide to the most important news and culture stories from around the Northwest.EmailPlease leave this field blankSign up