“Uncovering Boarding Schools: stories of resistance and resilience” follows the journey of Klamath Tribes member Gabriann “Abby” Hall as she uncovers the hidden stories of her family’s experiences in Native American boarding schools stretching from the first generation forced onto a reservation to the present era. Through complex and deep research, she discovered that her grandmother and many other children from her family attended religious facilities that do not appear as ‘official’ Native American boarding schools. She found that those records are often difficult or impossible to access. Instead, Abby pieced stories together by tracking down family members’ documents, talking to elders and researchers, and digging through archives across the country. What she discovered is a disturbing, often hidden history of countless deaths, fractured families, and a wall of silence due to federal policies designed to destroy Native American culture. But, ultimately, she also discovered a legacy of strength and resilience.

Gabriann "Abby" Hall speaks with Sandy Mosttler about the Klamath Tribes' boarding school experiences, while cinematographer LaRonn Katchia films.
150 years ago, one of Oregon’s first Indian boarding schools opened
Behind the Scenes with LaRonn Katchia
“Uncovering Boarding Schools: stories of resistance and resilience’” is produced by Kami Horton, edited by Bruce Barrow, and executive produced by Arya Surowidjojo for Oregon Public Broadcasting.
The production crew includes cinematographers LaRonn Katchia (Warm Springs Tribe) and Jessie Spears (Karuk Tribe), Associate Producer Emma Barrow (Cherokee Nation), and cultural consultant Taylor Tupper (Klamath Tribes).
Produced by Oregon Public Broadcasting for