Philadelphia-raised Will Carter and Aminah Perry enjoy their day off at Nanee's Kitchen in Reading Terminal Market.
"I have nothing against Hillary, but I was a Bernie Sanders fan," Perry said. "I'm making a choice based on, not really the quality of the person, but based on the outcome of what could be if I don't go out and support the Democratic party."
The couple believes the Democratic party is for the people.
Allison Frost / OPB
The Reading Terminal Market is cater-cornered from the Convention Center in downtown Philadelphia.
Allison Frost / OPB
Nancy Schnurr Rosen, a volunteer at the Democratic National Convention, is excited about the 2016 Democratic National Convention.
"I've seen a real dichotomy between the folks that are coming dressed extremely professionally like they are career politicians; then I've seen some folks decked out in the most unusual gear like it's Halloween," said Rosen. "I think it's really fun, not that they're not taking things seriously, but it's really showing how passionate they are about certain causes and what caucuses they're involved in and what they're throwing their support."
Allison Frost / OPB
The Reading Terminal Market attracts locals and tourists during the lunchtime rush. Visitors praise the market for its variety of food. "This is a place where you can get anything in the world to eat, anything at all," said Nancy Schnurr Rosen.
Allison Frost / OPB
Vanessa Perez, left, of Florida, and Niko Klein, right, of San Francisco, are decked out in pins, stickers, signs and a flag showing their support for Bernie Sanders in the Reading Terminal Market.
Allison Frost / OPB
Niko Klien, a Bernie or Bust supporter, is protesting at the 2016 Democratic National.
Tens of thousands of visitors are in Philadelphia for the 2016 Democratic National Convention. Allison Frost of OPB's Think Out Loud headed to Philadelphia's famous Reading Terminal Market to talk with locals about the political festivities. Check out the above slideshow to see what some have to say about the convention.