
World’s Oldest Orangutan Turns 60 At Oregon Zoo

By Donald Orr (OPB)
Portland, Ore. Jan. 31, 2020 10:17 p.m.
Inji, a Sumatran orangutan, turned 60 this month and is one of the oldest of her species on the planet.

Inji, a Sumatran orangutan, turned 60 this month and is one of the oldest of her species on the planet.

Michael Durham, courtesy of the Oregon Zoo

The Oregon Zoo’s oldest resident, Inji the orangutan, reached the ripe old age of 60 this month at the Oregon Zoo. The “ultra-geriatric” Sumatran orangutan arrived at the zoo in 1961, and is thought to be the oldest known orangutan in the world.


“Inji’s in amazing shape for her age,” senior primate keeper Asaba Mukobi said in a statement.

“She has no major health concerns — she isn’t taking any special medication. Her age and remarkable condition say a lot about the quality of care she’s received over the years.”


According to the Oregon Zoo, no one knows Inji’s actual date of birth. She was estimated to be around a year old when she arrived at the zoo on Jan. 30, 1961 — 59 years ago, Thursday.

The zoo said she came to the United States through the wild animal trade, which was legal at the time, and was brought to the zoo by her owner.

“We’re thankful that we’ve been able to give Inji a good home, but it’s heartbreaking to think about the circumstances that brought her here,” Mukobi said in a statement.

"Even though the pet trade is illegal now, it still exists. It is considered a major threat to orangutans' survival, along with human encroachment and habitat loss from palm oil plantations."

Sumatran and Bornean orangutan species are considered critically endangered. Conservationists believe that fewer than 15,000 Sumatran and 55,000 Bornean orangutans remain.

Visitors currently can't see Inji as the zoo completes its new Primate Forest habitat, which will expand and improve the living areas for chimps and orangutans. Primate Forest is one of eight major projects funded through a zoo bond measure passed by voters in 2008, along with contributions from private donors.

Primate Forest is expected to be open later this year.