Dueling Portland Rallies Turn Chaotic In Wake Of TriMet Stabbings

By OPB Staff (OPB)
June 4, 2017 11:54 a.m.
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Portland police arrest a protester who skated past a police barricade during an afternoon of protests in downtown Portland on Sunday, June 4, 2017.

There was a heavy police presence at Portland's Terry Schrunk Plaza Sunday, June 4, 2017, as a planned Trump Free Speech Rally was met with several counter protests a week after three men were stabbed, two fatally, on a TriMet light-rail train. The suspect in the stabbing had been on an anti-Muslim rant prior to his attack.

A 2017 file photo of Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson addressing a crowd at a rally and holding a moment of silence for the victims of the Portland MAX train stabbings.

A counter protest group chants, "Take your hate, and go away" outside City Hall in downtown Portland. Several counter protest groups showed up Sunday to opposed the Trump Free Speech Rally in Terry Schrunk Plaza.

A Portland man known as Pork Chop burns an Antifa flag at a Trump Free Speech Rally Sunday, June 4, 2017.

Ibrahim Mubarak, with Right 2 Survive, was part of the large group of counter protests opposing a Trump Free Speech Rally in Terry Schrunk Plaza Sunday, June 4, 2017. "This country is freedom for everybody," he said. "I have a right to be a Muslim and walk the streets without being attacked."

Police dressed in riot gear formed barricades between opposing protest groups, restricting movement between downtown Portland streets Sunday, June 4, 2017.

The scene at a peaceful counter protest in front of Portland City Hall where protesters sang and chanted in opposition to the Trump Free Speech Rally across the street.

A pair of bikers for Trump during the Trump Free Speech Rally, Sunday, June 4, 2017.

Multiple counter protests were underway in downtown Portland Sunday, June 4, 2017, including this group demanding rent control.

Men acting as private security for the pro-Trump crowd at Sunday's rallies wore military-style attire, complete with body armor. Organizers of the event say these men volunteered their services.

A protester at the Trump Free Speech Rally holds up a sign in opposition to Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Sunday, June 4, 2017. One thing both the pro-Trump crowd and the crowd of counter-protesters shared in common was animosity for Portland's mayor.

There was a heavy police presence at Terry Schrunk Plaza and nearby Chapman Square Sunday for the Trump Free Speech Rally and the numerous counter protests that popped up to oppose the rally.

"I'm here to support our president, Donald J. Trump and to support freedom of speech," said Martha Pena at the Trump Free Speech Rally Sunday. Pena, a Mexican-American immigrant, said she hoped to "make people of America aware that their freedom of speech is in jeopardy."

After police say a group of Antifa protesters hurled objects at officers, law enforcement declared their counter-protest unlawful and began firing flash grenades and pepper balls on the crowd to get them to disperse. After being pushed out of Chapman Square, protesters linked arms and formed a standoff with police.

Gregory McKelvey, the leader of Portland protest group Portland's Resistance, was among the crowd of counter-protesters who tried to engage the pro-Trump crowd Sunday, June 4, 2017. "This is what America is all about," he said of the opposing protests. "Both sides get to have their freedom of speech, both sides get to have their voices heard."

Carson Hardly handed out free Oregon strawberries to counter protesters Sunday. "Life is better with strawberries in it," she said. "They're Oregon strawberries," she said.

Wendy, 72, a Trump supporter from Dallas, Oregon said, "My children are going to have a screaming fit when they find out I've been here."

Protesters sing "No hate, no fear. Immigrants are welcome here," in front of Portland City Hall.

A protester holds a sign reading "Be like Micah." Micah Fletcher was one of three men stabbed last week on a MAX train.

A counter-protester covers his ears after Portland police deployed flash-bang grenade on a group of anti-fascist protesters opposing the Trump Free Speech Rally. Police declared this counter protest an unlawful gathering and forced the protesters to retreat north.

Protest in downtown Portland, Sunday, June 4, 2017.

Police dressed in riot gear mobilize to follow a group of counter-protesters marching north on Portland's Southwest 4th Avenue. Police eventually pinned the marching crowd in, where they detained dozens of people, including several journalists.


Several thousand people gathered in downtown Portland Sunday for competing right- and left-wing rallies following the fatal stabbing of two men by a man shouting anti-Muslim slurs.

Related: 14 Arrests, Dozens Of Weapons Seized At Portland Protests

The day of speeches and chants was ending in chaos late Sunday afternoon after police say Antifa protestors threw bricks and other projectiles at them. That prompted officers to close two public squares and use pepper spray, flash-bang grenades and rubber bullets. They also detained several dozen left-wing protestors, though it's not yet clear how many people were actually arrested.

Online threats of violence prompted a large law enforcement presence as police attempted to keep protesting groups separated.

Even before the events were officially supposed to begin Sunday, hundreds of police in riot gear were in place to block the streets separating a pro-Trump free speech event at Terry Schrunk Plaza and counter demonstrations by progressive groups on multiple sides of Schrunk Plaza.

"I'm here because I support people's ability to speak freely, but contrasting opinions must be expressed," said Andrew Hollenback, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. "The opinions they have seem contrary to everything I fought and bled for. We're a melting pot. We don't need to exclude."

"It was real pins and needles in New Orleans. We had groups on our side armed, they had groups on their side armed," he said. "Anybody who is deviating from American values, we need to correct and redirect -- American values of individual freedoms, without having to resort to micro-communities."

The pro-Donald Trump free speech rally had been planned for Sunday afternoon by a conservative group long before the TriMet attacks. The event, organized by the group Patriot Prayer, was billed on its Facebook page as a "Trump Free Speech Rally."

City leaders questioned the timing of the rally so soon after the TriMet attacks. Mayor Ted Wheeler unsuccessfully asked the federal government, which runs Schrunk Plaza, to revoke the permit for the event. And the family of a man who was stabbed but survived asked for organizers to cancel the right-wing rally.

“We all very much fear for what could occur during these rallies,” Janis Heater, the grandmother of stabbing victim Micah Fletcher, told OPB this week. “The city is in a very emotional state right now.”

Calls to cancel the right-wing event drew more national attention, including the announcement that several leaders in the white supremacist movement would be visiting Portland. The Oath Keepers, a militia group that includes former military and law-enforcement officials, planned to provide security for the right-wing event.


After the TriMet attacks, a coalition of progressive groups planned their own rally in response. Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson, who was in Oregon Friday, advised against mounting a counter-protest in downtown Portland this weekend.

“Let them march alone," Jackson said.

Some religious groups did decide not to rally, but left-wing organizers opted to continue with their events.

Since the election of President Donald Trump last fall, large protests have become common in downtown Portland and tensions have risen between ralliers -- particularly those associated with the so-called "black bloc" anarchist movement -- and police.

Just a few days before the TriMet attacks, the family of a black teenager killed by police as they investigated an armed robbery earlier this year called on the mayor to change the way police regulate protests in the hope of avoiding future violence.

Among other changes, they wanted police out of riot gear at political events.

If anything, the police presence Sunday was the highest -- and most proactive -- yet. Law enforcement officials were checking the bags of people entering Schrunk Plaza and had already made several arrests an hour before the right-wing event was scheduled to begin. Officers confiscated potential weapons, including sling shots, flares, sharpened sticks, brass knuckles, metal poles and knives.

In Schrunk Plaza, some of the protestors at the right-wing rally were dressed in military-style camouflage and American flags, while others wore red Trump "Make America Great Again" caps. They chanted "U-S-A" and "All Lives Matter," and some shouted "You're the real Nazis," across the street at the progressive crowds.

Joey Gibson, the organizer of the right-wing event, began it by encouraging the crowd to remember that they're being watched -- and judged.

"I'm calling on everyone to please, do everything you can to be positive," he said. Gibson talked about lessons he learned when he came to downtown Portland to protest for his free-speech rights and yelled back at people who shouted derogatory things at him. He said he realized later he hadn't accomplished his goal of making liberal Portlanders think about other views.

"See what it's like, when someone yells at you and cusses at you and you respond with love and kindness," he said. "Hatred is a disease. It does not stop with one person. We need to stop spreading love to stop this hate. Today could be a great start."

A few minutes later, Gibson said he and other protestors were there to "bring logic back into Portland ... and to show Portland and the rest of the West Coast how to be correct, not politically correct."

"Portland, I mean no disrespect, but you've gotten crazy," he said. 

On the left, where the crowds vastly outnumbered the pro-Trump numbers, protestors carried signs supporting gay rights, immigrant rights and Black Lives Matter. The black-clad, masked anarchists who have tussled with police at past events were handing out free ice cream at the start of the day, but by the end, they'd burned flags and some of the more extreme protestors had thrown bricks at police.

Around 3:30 p.m., about three hours after the progressive rallies began, police announced that they were closing Chapman Square due to suspected criminal activity. Officers reported someone had thrown foul-smelling liquid inside balloons at the right-wing rally and that others had removed bricks from the public bathroom at Chapman Square.

Officers began using flash-bang grenades and tear gas to move people out of the square. Police said protestors had thrown items at officers. After the parks closed, some on the left attempted to march through downtown. Police soon stopped the march and detained about 100 people, including a number of journalists. Most in that crowd were released after officers checked IDs and searched for weapons.

By 5:30 p.m., most of the crowd had left downtown. Police were forming a cordon to separate departing left- and right-wing protestors.