science environment

Another Cow Slain And Mutilated In South-Central Oregon, But Few Leads

By Anna King (Northwest News Network) and (Northwest News Network)
Jan. 24, 2020 1:11 a.m.

A range cow was recently found in Lake County, Oregon, apparently mutilated.  This follows the five bulls killed on the sprawling Silvies Valley Ranch last summer in neighboring and vast Harney County. And although the killings keep happening, the strange cases have grown cold.

The crumpled carcass of a once vibrant bull lays on Forest Service ground. It was killed along with several others in a strange way at Silvies Valley Ranch in eastern Oregon, and detectives have few leads.

The crumpled carcass of a once vibrant bull lays on Forest Service ground. It was killed along with several others in a strange way at Silvies Valley Ranch in eastern Oregon, and detectives have few leads.

Anna King / Northwest News Network


The Lake County cow had her udder, genitals and tongue removed. The rancher found her mid-September. Lake County Sheriff Deputy Tom Roark is working the case. But he says even though there are similarities with the Silvies Ranch bulls, there are few new leads.

In Harney County, Interim Sheriff Dan Jenkins says his case on the five bulls slain last year, has also gone cold.

Related: Cattle Are Being Mutilated And Killed In Eastern Oregon. No One Is Sure How Or Why.

“I don’t want it to happen again,” Jenkins says, “but unfortunately if it happened again, as far as the mutilations, that would be the only way we’d have any potential new evidence or leads to follow.”

Jenkins says he’s had continuing calls about aliens and other wild theories about who or what is responsible.  Oregon cattlemen and industry leaders are also frustrated.

“It’s a bizarre set of circumstances,” says Jerome Rosa, Executive Director of the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association. “There’s a lot of theories but not anything that adds up and makes sense.”

The Silvies ranch offered a $25,000 reward for a conviction on its five slain bulls — no one’s collected yet.