Eilis O'Neill
Eilis O'Neill

Eilis O'Neill


Eilís O'Neill was the EarthFix reporter at KUOW Puget Sound Public Radio in Seattle. Eilís (eye-LEASH)  fell in love with radio as a 14-year-old high school intern at KUOW. Since then, she’s wandered the world recording people’s stories and telling them on the air. She’s worked at KALW in San Francisco and WAMU in D.C.; she’s freelanced for public radio programs such as The World and Marketplace from places such as Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile; and she’s written for The Nation and other magazines.

Eilís has a degree in English and Spanish from Oberlin College and a master’s degree in science, environment and health journalism from Columbia University.

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A view of the new seawall being installed on the Seattle waterfront. It's designed to help juvenile salmon.

Seattle's New Seawall Is Built To Help Salmon

The new seawall on Seattle's waterfront is designed to help salmon with more natural light, rocks to provide habitat for plankton, and a false seafloor to mimic mudflats predating the city.


Rebecca Wassel, a biologist who helped design the project, helps mark where the creek is going to run after the culvert gets replaced.

Closing A Highway To Save Washington Salmon

Washington state is on the hook for hundreds of road culvert projects ever since, this spring, when the Supreme Court let stand a mandate to remove fish barriers throughout the state.

Protesters call for the removal of dams on the Snake River to help salmon spawn -- and consequently feed Puget Sound orcas. The protest came outside a meeting of the governor's orca task force in Wenatchee on Tuesday.

Can Washington Make A Plan To Save The Orcas?

The governor’s orca task force met in Wenatchee to come up with a long-term plan to help the recovery of the orca population that spends much of its time in or around the Puget Sound. 

The view of Bumping Lake from the bank near Chris Maykut's cabin. A Yakima Basin water plan aims to enlarge the central Washington lake. That would flood a small, shoreline community.

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