MacGregor Campbell / OPB
Oregon is home to more than 320,000 veterans across the state — four generations strong across five major wars. Vietnam veterans make up the largest segment of our community, but did not receive a welcome home in their own time. Today, we proudly honor our Vietnam veterans and all Oregon veterans. Veteran service officers in every county stand ready to be the advocate in their corner. Reach out today and connect Oregon’s veterans and their families to the benefits they have earned.
Need Veterans' Services?
For war survivors and other non-service members needing help:
The Oregon Health Authority provides access to services and treatment for behavioral health issues including mental health, substance and gambling addictions. Contact a Community Mental Health Program in your county, and they will help you find local services.
Community Mental Health Services
NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, also has state and local affiliates, each with their own suite of available programs and services for individuals, families and friends.
503-230-8009 or 800-343-6264
There are no boundaries for NAMI affiliates, and they will help find programs and classes for anyone, no matter where they live.
Honest, Open, Proud — otherwise known as HOP — is a program designed to reduce the stigma of mental illness and improve the lives of those affected by mental illness by teaching people safe ways to talk about their experiences.
Intercultural Psychiatric Program
The Intercultural Psychiatric Program (IPP) specializes in providing mental health services to refugee, immigrant and non-English speaking communities.
The Trauma Healing Project
The Trauma Healing Project offers groups and classes designed for individual and community health and well being in Eugene. They also offer specialized training and services for organizations, professionals, and healing arts practitioners provide support to those impacted by trauma.
Their Trauma Informed Resource Directory lists a diversity of services in Lane County, Oregon.