Having learned about the wet market where COVID-19 reportedly originated, and the outbreaks of illness in meat- and fish-processing plants, an increasing number of Americans are turning to a vegan diet. We discuss the many ways in which the current health crisis has validated veganism, from a new interest in beans and lentils, to an increased understanding of the importance of healthful eating.
Next, we discuss the kinder, gentler style of vegan activism, as well as exciting social movements like "Black Veganism" that are reviving interest in the vegan diet and lifestyle.
And finally, we discuss the ways in which vegans navigate the non-vegan world. Meet our panelists: The Rev. Dr. Christopher Carter is an Assistant Professor at University of San Diego, pastor, member of the board of Farm Forward, and author of forthcoming book "The Spirit of Soul Food." Talia Pollock is the YouTuber, Podcaster and author behind Party in My Plants. And Waz Wu is a food blogger who contributes to Eater and runs Veganizer PDX. This episode was recorded remotely in locations across the United States. Stay safe out there.
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