Think Out Loud

Beaverton sobriety treatment court gets national recognition

By Sheraz Sadiq (OPB)
March 13, 2025 1 p.m.

Broadcast: Thursday, March 13

Members of the Beaverton Sobriety Opportunity for Beginning Recovery treatment court pose for a photo taken February 2025 in Beaverton. The All Rise Treatment Court Institute recently selected the B-SOBR program as one of 10 treatment courts to serve as a national model for other treatment courts.

Members of the Beaverton Sobriety Opportunity for Beginning Recovery treatment court pose for a photo taken February 2025 in Beaverton. The All Rise Treatment Court Institute recently selected the B-SOBR program as one of 10 treatment courts to serve as a national model for other treatment courts.

Courtesy city of Beaverton


The Beaverton Sobriety Opportunity for Beginning Recovery treatment court is open to Beaverton or Washington County residents who have at least one prior Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants conviction and who agree to the program’s strict requirements. About 200 people have graduated from B-SOBR since its launch in 2011.

Participants must agree to wear an ankle monitor and submit to biweekly testing to ensure their sobriety during the first few months. They must also attend regular meetings with their case manager and the presiding judge to monitor their progress for the 20 months or so it typically takes to complete the program. Beaverton police officers also make monthly visits to participants’ homes, which can help reframe negative interactions they may have had previously with law enforcement, and engage family members or others in the home to support the participant’s recovery.

In January, the All Rise Treatment Court Institute selected the B-SOBR program as one of 10 treatment courts to serve as a national model for new treatment courts for the next two years.

Joining us for more details are B-SOBR case manager David Finke, police liaison Officer Michel Wilson and Mauricio Molina, a recent graduate of the program.

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