Oregon state treasurer candidate Brian Boquist on the kicker, PERS and much more

By OPB staff (OPB)
Sept. 24, 2024 11:44 p.m.
Republican Oregon state Sen. Brian Boquist, R-Dallas, speaks in support of a resolution honoring those who fought and died in the Modoc War in the Oregon Senate chambers at the Oregon Capitol in Salem, Ore., Tuesday, April 2, 2019.

Republican Oregon state Sen. Brian Boquist, R-Dallas, pictured in 2020.

Bryan M. Vance / OPB

Editor’s note: Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 5. Stay informed with OPB on the presidential race, key congressional battles and other local contests and ballot measures in Oregon and Southwest Washington at opb.org/elections.


OPB asked candidates for Oregon’s state treasurer position the same questions. Candidates were given a 150-word limit. Anything beyond the 150-word total was not included in these responses. Read our coverage of this race here.

To start, please give us your name and basic biographical details, including your current position or job, any elected offices you have held and any key facts you would like voters to know about you.

Occupation: Farmer, Forester, Business Owner, Part-time Citizen Legislator

Occupational Background: Aviation, construction, military, international business, humanitarian & veteran foundation.

Educational Background: MBA Oregon State, BS Western Oregon, Tillamook HS.

Prior Governmental Experience: State Senator, State Representative, Finance & Revenue Committees, Rules Committee (Oregon Investment Council Appointments), Oregon Homeland Security Council, US Army (Retired), Defense State (Contractor), School Budget Committees

Organizations: Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, Elks, National Federation of Independent Businesses

Family: Peggy, five adult children.

What are the job duties of the state’s treasurer?

In layman terms, the Treasurer is the State’s bookkeeper, banker, investor, credit manager and one of three land stewards.

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Why should you be elected Oregon state treasurer?

The status quo is not working. Oregon is $25 billion short in retirement funds, the treasury is not transparent, and Oregon state actions contribute to the high inflation rates pressing working Oregonians.

What is the most pressing financial challenge facing the state? What is your proposed solution to that problem? Please be specific.

The lack of transparency means we have no idea if Oregon actually has a risk mitigation plan in the event of a real emergency such as war, trade embargo, or Cascadia for which two are in progress right now. We are at war, and a wider war with China is proposed in DC that would impact Oregon’s trade based economy. The new treasurer needs to bring in an outside group to help make a transparent audit of the situation then act.

Next is the longer-term is the rate of return issue and failure to invest in Oregon infrastructure: inexpensive housing, water, sewer, etc.

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How, or would you aim to differentiate yourself from Tobias Read and his leadership and policies?

Open and transparent. Focus on basics of the original job described above.

Should Oregon divest from Israeli-owned businesses? Why or why not? What role should divestment campaigns play in the treasurer’s office? Do you see this as a key function of the position?

Divestment for a state political policy reason is a legislative function. However, contrary to popular believe, defense or war businesses are very risky investments that generally should be avoided for a variety of reasons. Even if divesting, it must be done in a manner as not to create market panic, undue losses, negative citizen impact, and retaliation. The USG Russia v. Ukraine policy continues to punish Oregonians with high inflation, debt, and loss of normal federal funding locally. These factors are pushing the country into a major recession according to key economists and investors. Yet, DC USG continue themselves to buy certain war items from Russia and China at the exact same time. Rhetorical hypocrisy that hurts average Americans. At the state level, we need to proceed with caution and thought not emotional reactions as it will hurt our citizens more than any good of a poorly though out sanction.

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True or false: Oregon’s personal income tax kicker rebate should remain unchanged? Please explain your answer.

It will remain unchanged as the legislature after 20 years has not, and will not, refer any change to the ballot. Likewise, Measure 5/50 changes will not be referred. Both will be defeated in Portlandia, and send the legislators to early retirement who referred any of these for repeal. It is like the gas tax, local elected officials want legislators to raise the tax $1.90 per gallon then give them half, they want the money, but will not vote for a tax increase themselves.

Name another Oregon leader, either current or in the past, whose approach to public policy you admire and why.

Senators Betsy Johnson and Lee Beyer. Thoughtful, inclusive, transparent, and determined to do public good not political correctness.