The Deschutes River through Bend will look unusually low again this fall and winter. Beginning Monday, water levels in the Mirror Pond section of the river are expected to drop by roughly two feet so that workers can build stormwater infrastructure improvements.

Bend's Mirror Pond, visible from Drake Park.
David Nogueras / OPB
The pond is a dammed portion of the Deschutes River running through the city’s central green space, Drake Park, an area known for idyllic views, old-growth pines and thousands of notoriously assertive Canada geese.
Adjustments at a Pacific Power dam will lower Mirror Pond’s water levels so workers can safely access the riverbank and build a rock structure around a stormwater outflow pipe. City officials said this will help prevent flooding on nearby roads, limit erosion and reduce the likelihood of sediment reaching the river.
The project is expected to be completed by the end of the year. The city initiated a similar water level drawdown last year to build improvements on the Deschutes River Trail.