The band’s performance at Pioneer Courthouse Square was its first show in three and a half years
Michael James uses his pedal board, exchanges picks and strums along for his performance with Explosions in the Sky in Portland on Aug. 11, 2023. The band uses three guitars, percussion, keyboard and synthesizers, but sometimes James switches to use a bass guitar like he is here.
Caden Perry / OPB
Munaf Rayani uses the microphone for the only time it will be used in Explosions in the Sky's instrumental set. "This is the first time we've performed in three and a half years," Rayani said as he introduced the performance.
Caden Perry / OPB
Mark Smith (left), Michael James (center) and Jay Demko bring together their guitars for an epic harmony. Explosions in the Sky implements a host of instruments to create unique "cathartic mini-symphonies," they say.
Caden Perry / OPB
Mark Smith (left), Michael James (center) and Munaf Rayani (right) all strum passionately. Explosion in the Sky's album "The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place" is full of long musical buildups that crash into tremendous peaks of guitars and percussion.
Caden Perry / OPB
As Explosions in the Sky reaches a musical crescendo, a fan jumps up and yells out for the band.
Caden Perry / OPB
Chris Hrasky (left) and Jay Demko (right) slow down in a quieter moment during Explosion in the Sky's performance.
Caden Perry / OPB
Drummer Chris Hrasky of Explosions in the Sky closes his eyes while starting a new tempo. Hrasky is one of the original band members and has been with Explosions in the Sky since their debut in 2000.
Caden Perry / OPB
Explosions in the Sky performs their album "The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place" for the PDX Live concert series. The album is completely instrumental and was played start to finish for the PDX Live audience.
Caden Perry / OPB
Pioneer Courthouse Square full of concertgoers for the PDX Live concert series. The PDX Live series continues until Aug. 24, 2023.
Caden Perry / OPB
Time stood still in downtown Portland for a few hours Friday as critically-acclaimed post-rock band Explosions in the Sky took to the stage for a sold-out performance.
“This is the first show we’re playing in three and a half years,” guitarist Munaf Rayani said over the echoes of a roaring crowd at Pioneer Courthouse Square. “Thank you so much!”
The members of Explosions in the Sky — Chris Hrasky, Michael James, Mark Smith along with Rayani — played one of their most popular records, “The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place,” in its entirety, as part of the PDX Live concert series.
The album, which will celebrate 20 years since its release on Nov. 4, includes crowd favorites like “Your Hand In Mine” and “The Only Moment We Were Alone.”
The band also played tracks from albums “All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone” and “Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die, Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Live Forever.”
Explosions in the Sky is also gearing up for the release of its upcoming record, “End.” While the album will not be released until Sept. 15, the group previewed a track as a surprise to the audience.
Portland’s Pioneer Courthouse Square will host contemporary acts, retro musicians are visiting Bend and the Oregon Symphony will launch a far-ranging season.