"Nurture" is a mural and one of 25 works featured in Black Excellence Showcase, an art exhibit highlighting work by Black artists at the Pinckney Gallery on the campus of Central Oregon Community College in Bend.
Runa Lehtonen/Central Oregon Community College
Earlier this month, the Pinckney Gallery in Bend launched “Black Excellence Showcase”. The exhibit features painted canvases, digital art, sculptures and mixed-media installations made by Black artists and community members in Central Oregon. It’s the first time an exhibit highlighting Black artists has been done at the gallery which is located on the campus of Central Oregon Community College. The exhibit also provides a space for representation and collaboration with the community. One of the featured works is a mural celebrating Black femme identity, with photos and hand-written notes submitted from community members reflecting on what it means to nurture and be nurtured. June Park is an adjunct professor in the fine arts department and the director of the Pinckney Gallery. Mel Smith is completing a certificate in graphic design and illustration at Central Oregon Community College. Shandell Landon is an instructor at OSU-Cascades and a community volunteer. They join us to talk about the “Black Excellence Showcase” and their contributions to it.
“Black Excellence Showcase” will be at the Pinckney Gallery on the campus of Central Oregon Community College in Bend until Feb. 24. Admission is free and the gallery is open Monday through Friday. The Afrocentric Program at COCC, which helped organize the exhibit, has convened a series of events open to the public also in honor of Black History Month.
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