The Keizer police are investigating a Sunday evening break-in and fire at the headquarters of the advocacy group Oregon Right to Life. No one was hurt.

A photo provided by the Keizer Police Department, which is investigating a fire at the Oregon Right to Life building.
Keizer Police Department / OPB
Oregon Right to Life is the most prominent group in Oregon that opposes abortion.
According to the police, someone attempted to break a window at the building but failed. They threw two lit Molotov cocktails at the exterior.
That caused a small fire. But it did little damage and no one was in the building at the time.
The incident triggered the building’s alarm, alerting first responders.
After the incident, Lois Anderson, Oregon Right to Life executive director, issued a statement.
“Understandably, our team is shaken up by this attack. We are committed to taking proper precautions to protect the safety of our staff as we move forward,” she said.
Anderson said the Oregon Right to Life group doesn’t condone violence and will not associate with any anti-abortion activists who do.
“Oregon Right to Life will not knowingly do business with any organization or business which endorses violence in any way toward pro-abortion persons or businesses,” she said.
On Sunday, vandals in Madison, Wisconsin, started a fire at the office of a nonprofit that opposes abortion in that state, according to law enforcement officials there.