Italia Guterrez, 9, searches the rubble of her family's mobile home in Talent, Ore., that is covered in red residue from an air drop of fire retardant, Thursday, Sept. 10, 2020. Italia's family lost everything in the fire earlier in the week and have no insurance or savings. The fires in southern Oregon have taken the most from those with the least, leveling multiple trailer parks in both Talent and nearby Phoenix, Ore.
Gillian Flaccus / AP
The Phoenix-Talent school district has already resumed distance learning, amid the chaos and destruction the Almeda fire left in its wake. Superintendent Brent Barry says about 30 percent of families lost their homes, which equates to 700 students. The district is partnering with local nonprofits to help families in need. If students do not have a home or a place to go with internet, they can go to one of three socially-distanced hubs the district has set up in Ashland, Central Point and White City. We talk with Brent Barry about all of this and what he sees in the future for his community.
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