Sopranos Emily Windler (L) and AmyJo McCarville (R) perform Lou Watson's Billboard Duet.
Micah Fischer
There’s something that happens to a lot of people when they’re shopping for a new house: you spend months looking for your dream home, you finally find it, but it’s sitting right on a busy road. What do you do? Portland resident Lou Watson decided to go for it.
In 2013, she and her family moved into a purple Victorian right on Sandy Boulevard in Portland. And rather than be annoyed by the billboards or the loud, constant traffic, she turned them into fuel for her art practice.
She'll be conducting a suite of experimental music she calls Suite Sandy Boulevard at the Hollywood Theater on Sunday, June 7 at 7pm.
A video Watson made of the afternoon commute visible from her window won a Judges Award at last year's NW Filmmakers' Festival.