Member-supported radio station KMHD has been a staple of the Portland music scene since 1984, showcasing Jazz Without Boundaries. Licensed to Mt. Hood Community College in Gresham and operated by Oregon Public Broadcasting, KMHD celebrates a diverse array of the rich history of recorded jazz and its related sub-genres, ensuring that this uniquely American art form continues to thrive in our region and beyond.
Ways to listen
Online stream
Listen online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
KMHD 89.1 FM
Tune us in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on the radio at 89.1 FM.
Mobile apps
Download the KMHD iPhone application »
Download the KMHD Android application »
Hear KMHD Jazz Radio on one of OPB’s digital TV channels.
You can hear OPB Radio’s FM programming, opbmusic, and KMHD Jazz Radio on one of OPB’s over-the-air DTV channels. To hear OPB Radio’s FM feed, tune in the primary audio channel. When you first turn on your TV, you’re most likely to hear the primary audio channel.
To hear opbmusic or KMHD on TV, tune in the second audio program channel (SAP). You can turn on the SAP channel by looking for a button on your TV remote that says “SAP,” “MTS” or “Audio Mode.” Click this button repeatedly to move from OPB FM to opbmusic to KMHD.