During World War I, the homefront fought with Victory Gardens and Meatless Mondays.
Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, WWI Posters, 4-P-59
In our ninth episode, regular panelist and science journalist Virginia Gewin is joined by culinary historian and botanist Heather Arndt Anderson and cookbook author and fermentation expert Liz Crain. Our experts start off by squashing the juice-cleanse trend that might have been your new year's resolution. Next, they take the conversation free-range, discussing the ways in which technology is changing the ancient practice of foraging for wild edibles. Finally, our roundtable turns the clock back to 1917, when the United States entered World War I and the U.S. Food Administration began a homefront campaign that could have been drawn up by a modern-day polemicist like Michael Pollan or Mark Bittman. Could we make America great again by reviving WWI food traditions?
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