Thanks to friendly legislation, the cider industry is booming across the nation.
Mattias Diesel/Unsplash
We kick off Episode 32 talking the new face of cider. The industry is growing at an astronomical rate, boosted by national legislation that encourages experimentation in the field.
Next, what's the purpose of professional taste testing ... and is it BS? Recent research indicates that even the most esteemed professionals are inconsistent in their preferences, more receptive to contextual cues than their sensory receptors.
And for our third course, philanthropic organizations lean heavily upon charity from the beverage industry for their fundraisers, especially this time of year. How can struggling small business owners respond gracefully to the nonstop requests?
Meet our panelists: Erin James is the editor-in-chief of CiderCraft and Sip Northwest magazines; her new book is "Tasting Cider." Jeff Smith runs Bushwhacker Cider in Portland and is the author of "Craft Cider: How to Turn Apples into Alcohol." And Jeff Alworth is a beer expert as well as the author of "Cider Made Simple: All about Your New Favorite Drink." Our host is Katherine Cole.
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